Angus R Shamal


‘We Were Once A Fairytale’

We Were Once A Fairytale A short film by Spike Jonze. Staring Kanye West. 11 minutes. filmed on January 2009,...

Irving Penn dies at age 92

Irving Penn dies at age 92
[caption id="attachment_7932" align="alignnone" width="520"] Irving Penn, New York, 1951 by Horst.[/caption] from New York Times: Irving Penn one of the...

Coco shows how it is

Mick & Alice

Mick & Alice
The little quirks between him and her, with Mick & Alice.

Edith Maybin

Edith Maybin
Edith Maybin’s work is mesmerizing as it is subversive. Staged Role plays, costumes and image manipulation take part in making...



The Impossible Dream

A short film I made just recently. Compiled and edited to the song "The Impossible Dream" by Jack Jones using...

New polaroids of Saskia

New polaroids of Saskia
Some of the new polaroids I shot of Saskia.

pfff.. designers

pfff.. designers
My photo in Appendix Magazine with a big letter K on it.

new “Rejected” images

new “Rejected” images

Somewhere between the day to day life’s responsibilities I’ve been working on and shooting new material for the “Rejected” series and for unpublished new series that are still in development. At some point, after closer edit, I’ll be adding new material to my portfolio. Watch this space!

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