
31 items found

Joel Sternfeld @ Foam Amsterdam

Joel Sternfeld @ Foam Amsterdam

This is really great. Joel Sternfeld’s “Color Photographs since 1970” is exhibiting at Foam Amsterdam. If you’re in town between 16 Dec — 14 March 2012, go and check it out. Recommended!

Sleep on Celluloid

Sleep on Celluloid

I’ve captured these shots out of selected list of movies, old and recent, to show just how beautiful and magical sleep on the road usually looks in Cinema.

Creating the Twin Peaks theme

Angelo Badalamenti describes how he came up with the theme for Twin Peaks, while David Lynch was sitting beside him....

Artist Daniel Askill and Ksubi

Artist Daniel Askill and Ksubi

Australian director Daniel Askill of Collider, directed this promotional ad Kolors for the Australian fashion label ksubi latest coloured denim line.

The Situation Room, May 1, 2011

The Situation Room, May 1, 2011
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on...



A selection of some of the most awesome Behind-the-scenes shots I’ve seen from some famous movies. Back when set designs were huge and hand made, when special effects where mechanical and photographic and film stars were risking their lives on the set […]

560000 by Alastair Thain

560000 by Alastair Thain
[ux_cb_wrap][ux_cb_text unique="1548860225214" col="12"]I always find myself fascinated by artists that make their own gear to fit their work-flow and achieve...

The recreated world of Lori Nix

The recreated world of  Lori Nix
It’s not often that I find myself “transported” into someone else’s world, which is odd since it's my favorite recreational...

New York Style Stories by Maaike Holvast

New York Style Stories by Maaike Holvast
Visited today the presentation of Maaike Holvast’s “New York Style Stories” @ Mediamatic. Along side the nice 5 films portraing...

kim jong-il looking at things

kim jong-il looking at things

Very entertaining website adequately called “kim jong-il looking at things”. Some faves of mine — and I’d say GoGoGoThere!

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