after the shoot

This gear was so neatly packed before the photo shoot. Now look at it… At least nothing’s missing… i think.
It’s starting to be a standard routine with me. Before and during a shoot it’s all I can think about. Complete concentration and focus to get all the elements right and all that comes with it – the creative process, the direction, the smiling, the pep talk, giving direction, hearing input and advices, compromises, process and process it all and giving it all. Feeling the adrenaline pumped full straight through hours and hours and I’m loving it.
And when it’s all over, I just want to get back home as quickly as possible – no stops no nothing, drop everything somewhere anywhere out of sight and try not think about it anymore, not talk about it not even run through the tests. Either take a shower and crawl into bed or do something else entirely. Forget for awhile.
And the view through the window is sometimes like this. Dawn.