Fusco’s “Funeral Train” first time in Amsterdam

I’ve blogged about this compelling series some time ago, but since it’s the first time in The Netherlands that we are able to admire the prints on the wall, it’s certainly worth mentioning it again.
For “Funeral Train”, Paul Fusco of Magnum photo agency, traveled in June 8th 1968 on a special train from New York to Washington. On that train was the body of Robert F Kennedy, the Presidential candidate and the 2nd son to the Kennedy’s, who was shot 3 days earlier in Los Angeles. Fusco portrayed the thousands of mourners who gathered along the tracks to wave goodbye to their assassinated Presidential candidate.
These photos by Fusco remained hidden to the public in the US for a long time, and were published for the first time 30 years later in 1998, in George Magazine. This is the 2nd time they are to be seen in Europe after the first time in London 2007. Curated by Erik Kessels (co founder of KesselsKramer), a selection of these photos are now to be seen till September 26th at the Uitvaart Museum in Amsterdam.

1968 © Paul Fusco / Magnum

1968 © Paul Fusco / Magnum

1968 © Paul Fusco / Magnum
8 June – 26 September 2010
Uitvaart Museum Tot Zover
Kruislaan 124
1097 GA Amsterdam
website: www.totzover.nl